Education makes the backbone of the people's rigid and augments the decision making power. In Fifty and Sixty decades , I have found the teacher's attitude was to make the students the real category of citizen , who can contribute the society with their ideology , with their education moralities and activities, learned from the Teachers.
The Teacher used to proud for the Students who could show their prominence in the Society with their Education , behaviour and morality etc.
Those days the Teacher were not at all well paid , as per their qualification, but they used to push their knowledge to the Students to enable them to make themselves well stablished in life.
One more thing , I feel that the Syllabus made for the respective subjects also used to play the vital role to make the Students a good human being.
Specially Literatures used to create some feelings in the mind , which used to make the Students emotional and increase the creativity in future activities.
As a result, Society got good Doctors, good Professors , good Poets , good Engineers etc. who were not only good in their professions , but also good and helpful for others of our Society. I believe that , good emotion can make a man of good conscience, which prevents him to be away from bad activities. All these were the contribution of financially poor but knowledge enriched Teachers.
It will be seen that , most of all talented peoples , came from financially poor families.
Money was not the major factor at all to make good peoples and good Society.
But the present situation has diametrically changed. Now money is dominating factor of Society and everybody wants money and runs behind it. As a result the morality, conscience etc. are gradually going from human character. The Teaching style has also changed. The present syllabus of the Subjects being taught now has become a money earning oriented. The heaps of books are loaded to the Students , as if a small boy should know more than his ability to capture.
As a result , the Students are loosing their interest in creativity parameter and are now becoming like a Robot.
Thus the Society is getting Qualified Doctors ,Engineers, etc. but is loosing helpful Doctors , Teachers , Engineers , Artists etc. Society is actually getting money making instruments , which will never give peaceful Society and will proceed towards detrimental world.
So, I appeal to the Social reformers , to take care about these aspects and to do something to return the earlier healthy decades, which were the Golden Era of the Society.
Amar Gangopadhyay
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