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Writer: Spectrum AdminSpectrum Admin

During this pandemic, the writers and the readers have developed leisure time to grow and to gain more knowledge in the field of writing. The anthologies we are compiling are based more on concepts which helps writers to grow themselves in the field. SPECTRUM OF THOUGHTS PUBLICATION launched 18 books all over India on 30th May 2021. The anthology books have different concepts and themes with them right from their favorite picks of books, Exams & Games for Students, Women Perspective to school memories.

These 18 anthology books published by Spectrum of thoughts Publication, FanatiXx is one of the matriarch proof that reading can help anybody to relieve stress. The thought process in all the anthologies penned by 800+ writers & co-authors has different perspectives. While reading a book you can see that the budding writers have tried their best to make a point that they reach the heart of the readers. The compilers' handwork for around a month or two has been portrayed in such a beautiful manner. Each book cover has a story, an unsaid emotion, and a very clear expression. Book covers are beautifully designed thinking of the concept and justifying them by the designer, Mr. Samal.

In the book, "Bleeding Before Age”, the young budding writers have penned struggles by young girl child who suffers from menstruation pain, a written thought process of the actual stories girls face. “Chaos” another unique book where tales of the heart, the chaotic minds and the challenges one faces in each and every step is portrayed. This pandemic started from 2020 to now, school kids, college students and all the learners revived their memories as the students, the vibes of the institute, of the educational deck is scribbled in “Back to Benches” another good read for those memories. As a reader we all have our own person favorite books, something we love to read all the time, something we live in, “My Take On My Favorite Book” is compilations of writers favorite books. “Lekhaki Ek Kala’’ a Hindi compilation by all writers dedicating their feelings & emotions to writing, writing is an art, its an emotions, its written and reminisced.

All these anthologies by budding writers published by Spectrum of thoughts have a certain impact on readers and writers.

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