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The MC Of Daiko City |Syed Zaid Zakir

Writer: FanatiXx OutreachFanatiXx Outreach

The Writer's Avatar - The People in the stories written by the writer who take the role of noting every event that transpires in the story. Every story has a different avatar. This time we'll be visiting one of the strongest avatars. The MC Of Daiko.

Mark : Hey there. I'm Mark Cody. Nice to meet you.

You : Hello Mark. I am the Reader.

Mark : I know. Welcome to Daiko. My home city.

You : So you are the Writer's Avatar for this city?

Mark : That and I'm also the Main Character of this city.

You : Are all the avatars like this?

Mark : Generally speaking, not every main character of the city is the Avatar of the writer. I'm the first of the avatars as this is the first story where any character was able to break the fourth wall to the point of knowing exactly what the writer wrote.

You : So are you basically the second to the writer?

Mark : I'm more of a problem child of the writer. I'd be surprised if he doesn't complain about me when you talk with him after the Daiko chapters.

You : So what is your story?

Mark(smiling) : I am The MC of Daiko City.

You : I know that but what are you exactly?

Mark : That's what I just said. I am The MC.

Just then the ground shook. You grab on to the nearest thing that you find to hang onto. Once the tremor stops you see that Mark is gone.

You : Mark?

Just then you see a man standing on the other side of the road. You turn to run but I stop you. Don't worry. Only my avatars can see you when you are in their cities. Think of yourself as the camera person.

You look back at the man. Major villain vibes.

Villain : "Come on out MC. This is where you lose."

MC : "I beg to differ."

You look at the source and see Mark wearing a very obvious mask.

MC : "Time to get started."

The MC pulled out a card out of thin air.

MC : Cliche move. "Villain's Monologue."

The card shone. And the Villain walked forward as if nothing happened.

Villain : "You are a fool if you think that a petty trick can work on me. As much as you want to hear my super secret plan I will not tell you that I plan to kill you here with my greatest powerful weapon and become the strongest man in the world. Then all of Daiko will be at my feet. But I will never tell you that because it's my super secret plan."

You : Is he monologuing?

MC : Works every time. "I figured out your super secret plan, Villain. And as long as I'm alive I'm not going to let you do it."

Villain : "What the- How did you find out?"

You : He just said it.

MC : True. But you don't need to worry about it. "I guess it's time we finish this."

Villain : "What's the hurry MC? We still have time."

MC pulled out a card and it shone.

MC : Game reference, "Battle music."

You start hearing music and turn around to find a rock band, playing background music for the fight between the MC and the Villain. When you turn back, you find that they clashed and the impact shattered the windows around them.

MC(pulling another card) : Action movie reference, "Insane fighting skills."

The MC kicked the Villain around like a sack of potatoes. The Villain finally got up and caught his foot.

MC : Uh oh.

Villain : "My turn."

The villain grabbed MC's leg and slammed him around like a wet cloth. He finally threw him into a wall.

Villain : "Looks like the writer is not on your side."

MC (getting up) : "Oh really? The fact that I'm still alive after taking a beating from you shows that the story isn't over. In fact I feel a power boost coming."

Villain : "What are you talking about?"

MC pulled out a card.

MC : Story manipulation. "Story style change."

The story changed from script form to paragraphs.

"Time to get serious." MC said, pulling a shining card out of thin air.

Cliché move.

The card disappeared. The rock band disappeared and an orchestra appeared in their place and started to go at it with the background music.

"The Power Of Friendship."

MC stood up straight as power coursed through him. His wounds healed up as the music slowly picked up. You turn to find a lot of citizens surrounding you.

"And now it's time for a speech." MC said, pulling a card.

Common Troupe.

The card disappeared and Villain was not able to move. It was as if an unknown force was holding him down.


A TV on wheels was pushed in as it showed flashes of random moments from MC's life. Scenes of him with friends.

"And now." MC said as a card appeared.

Movie reference.

The card disappeared as MC brought his fingers together.

"Inevitable Snap."

MC snapped his fingers and the villian felt half of their power disappear. The music was playing at full swing.

Wait a second is he throwing a streak of cards at him? - You said.

"While we are still going strong." MC said, pulling out another card.

Anime reference.

The card disappeared as a Katana appeared in his right hand.

"Illogical Katana Moves."

MC swung the katana wildly causing cuts on the villian.

"ENOUGH." The Villain screamed. "It's time to end this child's game."

He jumped into the air and summoned a huge amount of power.

"Special attack which I'm going to announce." The Villain said.

He took a deep breath.


"Oh no how will MC deal with this?" A random citizen asked.

MC smiled.

"Don't worry. I just need an Ace Up My Sleeve." He said. "Oh look."

MC pulled out a card from his sleeve as the music slowed a little.

"Ace Up My Sleeve."

He threw the card at the lazer. The card disappeared and the lazer went back to the villian. The music picked back up.

The Villain looked weak.

"Well then, time to actually end this." MC said pulling a card out.

Video game reference.

MC tapped his Katana with the card.

"Judgment Slash(or slashes)."

He pulled the katana out as the chorus played.

"And now I say something cool that I definitely did not steal from a cool video game character." MC said.

"What are you going to say?" The villain asked.

"You Shall Die."

A bunch of slashes appeared around the villain as time stopped along with the music. MC sheathed their Katana and once they did, time sped back up. The orchestra played in full swing as the slashes finished off the villain. The Villain fell to the ground and turned to dust. The crowd rejoiced. MC looked at them.

"That was A Fight, I Guess."

Mark Cody

The MC Of Daiko

The Problem Child.

Avatar ability - Plot convenience.

2) The Story Continues

The story returned to script form.

MC : "My job here is done. Later people."

MC ran into an alleyway and Mark walked out as if nothing happened.

Mark : What'd I miss?

You : You can't fool me idiot.

Mark : Hey it was worth a shot.

You : What were those cards?

Mark : Didn't I tell you that I'm the one who has broken the fourth wall to the point I know exactly what the writer is writing? You may have noticed that there are no quotations when you and I talk. That's because no one can hear us other than us.

You : So you have the power of plot convenience.

Mark : That's my powers in a nutshell. The cards are something I can just pull out to summon the convenient thing I need at the moment. One more thing is that I'm sure the Writer said something along the lines of "people with no powers".

You : No he didn't.

Mark : He immediately followed it up by "This World is not what you think it is." Plot convenience. One of the strongest abilities of The Writer.

You : Oh. So basically he can just make stuff up.

Mark : Bingo. For example,

Mark pulled out a card out of thin air and threw it in the manhole near you.


There was a loud scream and 4 robbers flew out of the manhole.

You : Random robbers.

Mark : Random robbers. Anyways, let's go home.

You : Why?

Mark : To advance the plot of course.

When you and Mark get to his house, his mother greets you both.

Mom : "Welcome home Mark. Your friend came here a while back."

Mark : "My friend? Is Glen here?"

Mom : "No. He's.. oh dear I forgot to ask him his name. You 2 come on in."

Mark : All my friends are currently not in the city. Even my Love interest is not in the city.

You 2 walk inside and find a man sitting at the table drinking water.

Mystery Guy : "Hey Mark. Welcome home."

Mark : "Who are you?"

MG : "Come on Mark, it's not nice to greet someone with hostility." Especially in front of another friend.

The world stopped.

MG : Nice to meet you, The MC of Daiko City and The strongest of the Writer's Avatars. And also you, Dear Reader. I Am The Breaker.

Mark : A name that the writer looked up just now. Do you have an electrifying job by any chance?

Mark pulled out a card and threw it at the Breaker. The Breaker caught the card and crumpled it as if it were a normal card.

TB : Useless.

Mark : Was it?

The card exploded in The Breaker's hand. The Breaker walked out of the smoke as if nothing happened.

TB : I guess it's time I get serious.

The story changed from script form to paragraphs. The Breaker walked forward as he extended his hand forward.

Ability: Summon - He said.

What is happening? - you asked.

He's most likely a writer's avatar who's gone rogue. - Mark said.

A giant eagle materialized and rose up into the air.

Are you 2 just going to stand there? Come on, we don't have the time for that. - The Breaker said.

Well you are right. - Mark said, pulling out a card.

He rolled up the card and brought it up to his mouth.

"That one shot which is very strong."

A bullet shot from the rolled up card and hit the eagle in the eye. The eagle disintegrated as The Breaker summoned a sword.

Mark pushed you back and pulled out a card.

2 can play that game buddy boy. - The Breaker said as he got close.

The card shone as it transformed into a sword. Mark blocked the attack and kicked him back.

Ability: Ace in the hole. - Mark said.

How convenient. - The Breaker said.

I know right. - Mark said as they walked forward.

They clashed again and this time the world around them shook. They continued to cross their swords with none of them at an advantage and the world cracking as they pushed each other back. Anything you could hold onto was being warped in the fight between the two Writer's Avatars.

And finally The Breaker got the upper hand as he knocked Mark to the ground. When you looked up, you saw that The Breaker was holding a card.

Let's test this out. - He said.

"Trump Card."

Mark got up and raised his sword. The card shone and disappeared.

Looks like it didn't work. - You said.

Then that would mean it worked. Whatever it was. - Mark said.

The Breaker got close to Mark and they clashed again. Although you noticed something different about this clash. Mark was struggling to push back The Breaker.

"Do you feel it? The ability of the writer's avatar slipping from you?" He said.

"Oh so that's what it was. How convenient. Speaking of which."

Mark pulled out a card and threw it down.

"Ability: Active Ghost."

The card underneath them blew up and Mark landed beside you. You help him to sit up.

"Very nice Mark Cody. But it was useless thanks to an Ability of my own."

A card was floating beside The Breaker.

The Breaker: Activated

"Trump Card"

There Is No Plot

3) No Plot, No Story

This plot has expired

This seems quite dire

Believe when I say

There's no story today

Tell me why.

Ain't nothing but a headache

Tell me why.

Ain't nothing but a big plague

Tell me why

I never want to tell it again

There's no story today.



You don't like the song? That's fine I'll sing another one.

"Just send me back already." You said. "Since when did the writer start interrupting his own stories?"

Since now. Anyways let's get back.


The moment you returned, you saw Mark being held by the throat. The Breaker looked at you and smiled.

Welcome back dear reader. Unfortunately there is no story here to read. - He said.

Jokes on you, since I'm here, there is a story. - You said.

What? - TB said.

Your mere existence gives this story plot and so your card is utterly useless. - You said.

The Breaker dropped Mark and walked back as the world around them fixed itself.

Thanks dear reader. And since there is plot, there's also Plot convenience. - Mark said, pulling out a card.

"Ultimate Finisher - Character Death."

I'm not a character in the book. - TB said.

Looks like you are considering the fact that you were in this story. - Mark said.

The Breaker clenched his chest and started struggling.

"No. This won't be the end. Mark Cody YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF MEEEEEEE–"

The Breaker died like a character in a story as the story returned to script form.

Mark : And we've seen the last of him.

That's The Breaker Broken.

A guy with a drum kit played the classic Ba Dum tss as the dumb joke ended the story.

Syed Zaid Zakir

Guidelines for the competition :

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14 de mai. de 2023
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Nice one bro..


14 de mai. de 2023
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Good 👍


13 de mai. de 2023
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13 de mai. de 2023
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Guess the Katana finally landed


13 de mai. de 2023
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Zaid boi...



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